Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Biser Parashkevov, Ubisoft: The games of the future will become more and more photorealistic

Biser Parashkevov is an art manager at Ubisoft Sofia –the studio responsible for the development of the upcoming title from the Assassin's Creed series - Liberation. He is one of two speakers from the local branch of the company that introduced the topic "Creating a protagonist for an AAA game: Aveline de Grandpre" during ON! Fest. In the youth festival in question there is a whole panel for gaming conferences - Game Dev Summit. Before the lecture, however, Biser gave me an interview, which I originally published in Kaldata.com in Bulgarian.

- What secret from the ‘kitchen’ of Assassin's Creed III Liberation can you give us?

- There are many secrets in this industry, but, frankly, I can’t reveal almost anything. But I can tell you some funny stories from the development process. For example, it was very difficult to make the design of the three characters in the game, because the gameplay design had to be bound with the movements and there were moments when we had to pretend we’re a woman in order to recreate the movements of climbing and jumping with a dress. We didn’t really put dresses on, but we did have to recreate women's movements and gestures and it was really funny.

- Have you always wanted to work in the video game industry and how did you get to Ubisoft?

- As a child I wanted to become an astronaut. I turned to games slowly - when I was a teenager, I started going to computer clubs. At one point I started drawing and designing and the development of computers and software gave me the direction. I’ve worked in different fields related to graphic design - advertising agencies and a lifestyle magazine, but all that time I was way more fascinated by the possibilities that 3D graphics provide. My career in the game industry started 9 years ago when I started as a character animator and artist in Haemimont Games. This turned out to be the most fulfilling job for me in terms of creating and animating the characters in diverse environments, time periods and conditions and being able to see the product. Also - and not least – it’s fulfilling because of the joy you bring to users. I'm on both sides - a developer and a player.

- Did you go directly to Ubisoft after Haemimont?

- I started in Ubisoft with the opening of the company in Bulgaria six years ago.

- What are your goals outside of your work at Ubisoft?

- I try to use my spare time to the fullest, because there’s not much left of it lately. My job however is not just a job, but also pleasure. I tend to take the time to deal with my projects that I primarily use to enhance my skills and to experiment with new ideas and techniques. In spite of the satisfaction I find in computer graphics, my family takes the central place of my attention outside of the office and most of my time is reserved for my young son.

- Is he happy his father creates video games? After all this is like a dream for most children.

- He is still too young to feel the full significance of the games. But he gradually begins to understand – right now he plays more children games.

- I suppose you've provided him with all types of consoles?

- Yes, he’s 'tech secure’, but raising a child requires a slightly more cautious approach to this type of entertainment. There are many educational games that are useful for adolescent children and are preferable, because it is easy to get to extremes.

- Which other company’s game would you like to be a part of?

- I can’t give you a concrete answer, because the games I like are the sandbox games. There are many such titles on the market and I would be interested in working on an "open" game with a good story, with plenty of well-developed characters. There are many examples in this area…

- Share ... two.

- One is Gears of War - completely visually original. The other is Uncharted - although the world is not as open it has a very well crafted story.

- What graphic style will prevail in the games of the future in your opinion?

- The graphic style I think is closely related to the idea of ​​the game. A great game has a story, a realization of gameplay and visuals. When these parts of the system work together, the game becomes good. The upcoming consoles are rumored to be powerful enough to get visual quality at the highest level - I guess in the future a lot of attention would be paid to good vision and because the developers are aiming more and more for reality, I guess the majority of hit titles will be photorealistic.

- How many people are you managing and how would you describe the work atmosphere?

- My team in Assassin's Creed: Liberation is consisted of 13 people, including the interface experts. The whole team is made of illustrators and 3D modelers. The atmosphere is very informal and friendly, all of us share the passion and interest in games and art.

- How would you describe an average day during the development of Assassin’s Creed III Liberation?

- It always starts with a cup of coffee with milk and a nice conversation with the colleagues. An average day for me during the development was associated with meetings, evaluating the completed work. At the same time there are always some problems and challenges that appear along the way and must be addressed. For the other people on the team things are more clear, because the tasks are set, they have a precise work time and their day is focused on dealing with the tasks as effectively as possible.

- Do you think the art has affected the gameplay of Assassin's Creed: Liberation in some way?

- The art has affected the quality of the game. There are many examples of changes in art or changes in the gameplay because of the impossibility for something in particular to be achieved.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Wheatley necklace + mini turret

By this I mean 'Check out the two Portal-inspired things I made with my two hands'.
Of course, nothing can be compared to this, but I hope you'll approve of my futile attempts to create something cute.*

*I'm not trying to sell anything, just sharing my passion :)

The Companion Cube's explanatory poem to Chell

Above: A quick-Paint form of the poem.
Below: The poem

'The pain, the hatred and fear
they stain my sacred veneer.
In vain I waited in here
insane, faded, unclear...

You think I am but a cube.
But I learned to walk just for you.
I learned how to draw, how to write.
I then had no choice but to hide.

I made up a human that you
now know as a rat on the loose.
Cause you wouldn't trust me - the cube
but you'd trust a message on loop.

Those words and paintings on walls
I hope that they helped you at all
for I've devoted myself and my life
to you in this unfair strife.

Your touch, your hands and your skin,
your fingers – so soft and thin...
I crave for your presence and smile
but alas – there's only exile.

As much as the 'The cake is a lie' lie
I just didn't want you to die.
I had to convince you and fast
this risk might just be your last.

But here we are – safe and alive.
Away from this dangerous hive.
I still have to say I'm amazed -
I never thought I'd turn out to be gay.'

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nostradamus is the biggest spoiler...er

He is the original troll.

Monday, August 15, 2011

If Chuck Norris was to name programs...

Yes, I went there. Now look what I've brought you from there ;)
(click on the picture for a broader view)

Friday, August 12, 2011

The life of fairy tale characters after the end of the fairy tales

... a.k.a. Dissecting the 'Happily ever after'

You know how fairy tales end with '... and they lived happily ever after'? But you also know how no one specifies what the word "happily" means exactly. Did you really expect that there weren't going to be consequences from the horrifying events that occurred during the 'pre-happy' lives of the characters?

Here is a sneak peek at the everyday life of famous fairy tale characters who are supposedly living 'happily ever after':

1. Cinderella

Genre: Drama

The Prince: 'Cindy, your sisters sent us another medical bill for their toes amputation. They are going to suck every last penny out of us! And would you please stop scrubbing the floor already?! We have 16 housekeepers FFS!"

2. Sleeping Beauty

Genre: Horror

The prince was sitting in his hiding spot in the gardens as he did every night since his wedding with the ex-sleeping beauty. He was desperately calling the fairies to come and help him with his now mentally unstable beloved.

'Oh, please, oh, please, I'm standing on my knees, come and take my wife, I beg you - save my life', the horrified prince repeated in the bushes every night.

A dreadful illness had taken over the princess' mind - she refused to sleep ever since her awakening of the 100-years sleep. She had been wandering through the kingdom for over 15 years now without falling asleep for a single minute. Therefore her mind had turned into a mysterious chaos, causing her to mutilate random villagers in the night. She often looked around not knowing where she was or how she got there in the first place. Her eyes had become blood-red, her hair - overgrown and matted, her feet and face - covered with scratches and wounds and her nails - bitten and filled with dirt.

A long, long time ago, while she was still sane, she had stated that she had slept long enough and had wasted enough time, so she would not fall asleep anymore. Also, she was truly afraid that she may not wake up again and random swordsmen would come and have their way with her as they've done before (or at least that's what she had heard from a trusted writer Charles Perrault).

The fairies never showed up for the prince though - six of them were brutally slayed by the crazed princess and the last one went hiding somewhere in Bulgaria.
And the prince lived in terror horribly ever after.

3. Snow White and the 7 dwarfs

Genre: Comedy

'Dear Diary,
it's me, the prince again.
Those filthy dwarfs insist on me buying ponies for all of them ('cause normal horses are too big, ofc) and they continue chasing the dogs around the courtyard and trying to hump them. Also, I just had another argument with the princess 'cause I think it's about time they stop sleeping in one bed with us.
The prince'

4. The beauty and the beast

Genre: Dramedy

The prince (ex-beast): 'Belle, please, PLEASE put this anti-ageing cream on your face! I can really see those wrinkles showing up!'
Belle: 'But I thought looks don't matter to you - what we have is pure love that doesn't get affected by anything...'
The prince: 'Belle, honey, we've been through this a million times: what beaing a beast taught me is that no one approves of ugliness. People become really mean and untalkative when you're not well-looking. I'm concerned for your well-being and I'm doing all of this because I love you! And please, don't put that dress on - you look so fat in it!'

5. Hansel and Gretel

Genre: Thriller

'Hansel, please, I beg of you, have at least one bite, your anorexia is getting out of control! I told you - no one is going to cook and eat you if you get a little healthier', Gretel tried to convince her brother once again.
'Okay, maybe I'll have a bite, but only if you promise not to try to kill Grandma again! Seriously, you have to get your psychosis under control, 'cause it's getting so hard to hide all those bodies of old ladies... And I'm getting weaker anyway. Not to speak of all the people around the village asking questions about their grandmothers...', Hansel replied.
'I'll try, but you know very well how the visions of every old woman trying to kill us take over me... And I'm not sure it's paranoia. I think there's someth...'
"Oh, shut up! Here, I'm eating! God...', Hansel told his sister, while taking a fake sip of the soup.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Portal 2's Characters Facebook Status Updates

'Nuff said, part 2.